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Company pensions

Pensions and benefits can make a significant difference to your employees and to your business. We can guide you in managing them in the most affordable and efficient manner.

Auto Enrolment

It’s a legal requirement for all UK employers to automatically enrol their employees into a workplace pension. The rules and specifics can be complicated, especially for start-ups and those who offer variable hours. To have peace of mind that your offering the best pension scheme for your employees and your business as a whole, it’s smart to get advice from an Independent Financial Advisor.

Workplace Pension Schemes

There are countless workplace pension schemes available and several factors to consider when choosing which is most suitable for your business. Our experienced advisors at MacFarlaine and Brooks will look at the entire market to determine the best company pension scheme for you.

Advice for Life

Remember, we are your friend in finance and believe in offering valuable advice for life. We will take your full business history, present and future goals into account to be sure that the company pension scheme works in harmony with your business.

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